Auto Lease Termination
You don’t have to return your leased vehicle to the original dealership when it’s time to end your lease. Smart drivers know this and have made Brandon Hyundai their Lease Termination Center.
At Brandon Hyundai, we make the process as fast and easy as possible. Plus, our Lease Termination Team can explain all your options and help you find the one that best suits your needs.
Option 1: Return Your Leased Vehicle; Buy Or Lease A New Hyundai
Whether you’ve decided on another lease or you’re looking to own this time, Brandon Hyundai’s consultants will help you find a Hyundai at the price and payments that are perfect for your budget.
For the fastest service, make sure you have these with you:
- All keys to the leased vehicle
- Maintenance records
- Receipts for completed repairs, if any
- Owner’s manual
Option 2: Purchase Your Leased Hyundai
If you’re currently leasing a Hyundai and have decided you want to own it, doing your transaction at Brandon Hyundai comes with a BIG advantage:
The Brandon Hyundai Lifetime Warranty!
That’s right! No matter where you leased your Hyundai originally, when the lease ends, bring it to Brandon Hyundai. When you buy out your lease, we’ll give you a lifetime limited warranty on that vehicle.*
Plus, when you purchase your leased Hyundai, there’s no need to worry about mileage or an inspection!
Option 3: Return Your Leased Vehicle Early
Many people don’t know that they can turn in their lease vehicle before the lease term expires.
If you’ve taken especially good care of your lease car, truck, SUV or minivan, you may actually have some positive equity in your vehicle. Brandon Hyundai will purchase that vehicle for its residual value and apply your equity towards the purchase or lease of a new Hyundai!
Schedule Your Appointment Now
Now that you know your options, turning in your lease vehicle anywhere else just doesn’t make sense.
Fill out the form to schedule your lease termination appointment. We look forward to helping you make this process as fast, easy and painless as possible at Brandon Hyundai!